What illnesses can be caused by not washing your hands?
Touching foods with unwashed hands can cause diarrhoea (in some cases severe abdominal cramps and vomiting). Washing your hands can reduce your chances of getting diarrhoea by 40%.
Touching your face or someone else’s with unwashed hands can help spread germs that cause pneumonia, the cold and flu. Washing your hands can help reduce the chances of getting the cold or flu by 20%.
Interesting facts on germs and hand washing
- The recommended time for washing your hands is 20 seconds
- Most germs are on your fingertips and under your nails
- The most important times to wash your hands is before you make food and after using the toilet
- Less than 75% of women and 50% of men wash their hands after they’ve used the toilet
- Only 20% of people wash their hands before making food.

Savlon® Product Range
Savlon® Antiseptic Liquid is formulated to kill over 99.9% of germs* on skin.
Hygiene Facts
Tiny microorganisms are all around us but are invisible to the human eye.